Data Strategy

Simplified Data Strategies that Support Your Business Goals

We implement sustainable data management programs that ensure quality business outcomes.

What’s included?

Looking for a new and innovative way to make decisions? Our data strategy provides your business with greater clarity. At Actionable Data Analytics, we help you understand on the story your organisational data is telling.

The data strategy we provide includes detailed business plans specific to your industry and based on your business goals. We pinpoint the kind of data your organisation needs, collect it from reliable sources, and manage it effectively.

Our 4-Step Process

Data Strategy Charter

Ensure alignment with business goals, clear communication between stakeholders, and focused execution to achieve desired outcomes.

Develop Data Strategy

Develop data strategy guiding principles and roadmap

Define Programs of Work

Define program of works, estimated effort, resources & milestones

Initiate and Sustain Programs of Work

Initiate programs of work, implementation and uplift of data literacy in the organisation

Why Have A Data Strategy?

A data strategy helps maximise the value of data assets and information in the organisation with the goal of using it for supporting business outcomes that help:

  • Increase Revenue
  • Decrease Cost
  • Reduce Risk (Example: Regulatory Requirements)

Common reasons for having a data strategy:

Overwhelmed with data volume

Respond to trends

Data Innovation

Improve decision-making

Become “data-driven”

Monetize data – to develop a competitive advantage through various initiative involving data

Elevate your business with a tailored data strategy

Reach out now to begin your data strategy roadmap